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  • How is Escubedo doing during the political situation in Catalonia?

How is Escubedo doing during the political situation in Catalonia?

Escubedo SAU's activity is not being affected by the political situation in Catalonia and the company is operating with total normality and at full capacity.

As a company located in Catalonia, Escubedo can not turn a blind eye to the political situation that our country is undergoing and the international repercussions it is having, so we think it important to publish a message of reassurance to our customers and suppliers.

Despite the turbulent political situation in Catalonia and the news appearing in the various national and international media outlets, Escubedo SAU has implemented the necessary contingency plans and actions so that these unusual circumstances have no influence on our daily live as a company. We shall therefore make the most of this communication channel to send this message of reassurance to our customers and suppliers.